Monday, April 29, 2013

What is an Eggmobile?

This is a common question these days.  Why?  It's what Bob is building in front of the shop.  We've been reading about eggmobiles in a Joel Salatin book (where else!) and looking at the Chicken Coops by Judy Pangman book and are now ready to launch our own.

Bob is a skilled builder and is greatly enjoying this project.  He didn't choose one particular pattern but rather gathered ideas from several plans and actual ones seen on you-tube to create his own.  It was a real bonus to find an inexpensive chassis from a friend on which to mount it.

Here's how it works:  The layer chickens will be housed inside where they will roost at night and lay their eggs in nests.  During the day we open a small door and set out a ladder/ramp for the chickens to go outside to peck and grub and get fresh air and sunshine and exercise. At night they naturally head into the eggmobile for protection, and we shut the door to keep out predators.  All that makes for healthy, happy chickens.

The coop has good ventilation on top plus a chicken-wire floor so all droppings go to the ground.  It will go into a pasture area after the cows  have grazed so they have cowpies to scratch through for insects, thereby spreading out the rich manure.  After several days, we move it to a new area following where the cows have been.  Its just beneficial all the way around.

More pictures to come once its completed,

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