Monday, November 15, 2010

Lamb Meat available

Just letting you know. . . .we still have lamb meat available. Main inventory is chops, shoulder roasts, and leg of lamb. email if interested.

I fixed a lamb roast from a simple recipe in Mark Bittman's book. Very good. It all went at the family supper and everyone ate it enthusiastically.

Bubba owns the farm

The farm animals are all adjusting to the new fall season which brings some changes in feed and shelter. The large turkeys continue to roam but once or twice have gone outside the farm boundaries and down the road a fair piece. We try to encourage hanging out at home a bit more by running them into the north pasture, sprinkling corn around, and letting them hunt and peck there. They can fly over the fence but sometimes forget that until absolutely necessary.

The round feeder has been placed in the middle of the hay barn thus filling the south doorway and allowing milk cows to eat from the south and the dry cows to eat from the north (inside). The negative consequence of this otherwise good arrangement is that Bubba the ram can get out of the north pasture. He just jumps into the hayfeeder, eats a bit, and then jumps out the other side. From there its a simple trot through the main barn, an easy push of the doors, and he's free to roam about wherever he pleases. Of coarse, at this time of the year -- sheep breeding season -- he pleases to hang out near the ewes who are stuck down in paddock #1. For the first few days he paced outside the fence keeping his eye on the ladies. When he realizes he, too, is stuck on the wrong side, he'll take a break to gobble some turkey feed or check out the new hay bale. Eventually, Karl or Bob call him over to the gate and let him back in the north pasture.

Today I saw Bubba posted outside paddock #1 as usual for the morning, but was surprised to later see him back inside trotting over for a drink of water in paddock #2. Now how did he get back in? You can't push the barn doors IN, they only can be pushed out. Hmmmm. That ram! We're a bit perplexed....and amused. He's a pretty smart sheep.

The farm strategy here is that the ewe ladies keep the ram from wandering too far (unlike the turkeys) and Bubba will get his chance to do his job starting Thanksgiving Day. That's when we'll run him into Paddock #1 and 5 monthes later little lambs will begin to arrive. Not too soon so they have to contend with cold and snow but just in time to enjoy warm weather and new grass to eat. Aah. Life is good here on GrassStain Farm.